Sunday, October 7, 2012

Two Weeks in Design School

I am slowly beginning to see the difference between a design school and a non-design school. In PSID, we do more application work and skill enhancement. In UST (and other past schools), it's more on theory and understanding concepts, etc. My right hand is tired almost every Tuesday and Wednesday because of drawing. In random school days before, I get tired wracking my brain trying to absorb everything we learn. I am not trying to undermine schools but they really are different.

My professors are okay. I feel like I will learn a lot in my Elements class. Mech. Draw class is so fun because we get to use the T-square and triangle. Sorry, I am that shallow. Haha. Freehand is pretty hard because we have to draw straight lines to the point of perfection and we have a very strict professor on top of that. We haven't done much in Color Theory yet. We only had a getting to know activity and advice sharing.

I wake up at 6:30 every morning and hope that I get to class on time at 9:00. We pass by SLEX and so far, we only worry when we are at Nichols because the traffic there is crazy. The latest we have been dismissed is at 12:30. I usually eat lunch in the car on Mondays and Wednesdays. We stay near St. Scho on Tuesdays and we go to Greenbelt on Thursdays. Since my classes are only once a week, I can accommodate performing arts classes and friend meetups. Huzzah!

My 2 weeks is pretty okay. I am slowly becoming friends with my classmates and the school work is not so heavy yet. There were days when I feel irrelevant though and days when I wish I can go straight to Advanced already. Haha! My talk with an old friend helped me calm down myself in the process of actually being in a design school. Apparently before we talked, my system was still in a normal university. My life is okay so far. In the coming days, I will check what's in it for me in the education and business field. I have a 9-month break after Basic and technically, I only spend 3 hours in school so I have time to work. Yes, work. Time to face the real world slowly!

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