Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I missed lunch today (or yesterday, technically) because I got so sleepy due to the heat. I slept a good 4 hours or so! I couldn't believe it because I slept 3 hours after waking up in the morning. If that confuses you, let me give you numbers. I slept at 4 am, woke up at 10, slept at 1, then woke up at 5 pm! I felt like I was jet lagged or something! Anyway, that's not my point, really. It's the dream that I remember I had in those 4 hours of siesta.

I was in a lobby of this modern building with some of my college friends. From the lobby, you can see a huge  wall slide where people from, I guess, the 3rd floor can slide all the way down to the ground floor. It's a pretty amazing sight. Especially seeing people clad in pure white while sliding. Anyway, for some reason, I was transported to a room like the GSR in St. Scho. The room was occupied by my *drumroll* former med school classmates. Well, I can't really say if they were the ones but in my mind, I knew they were supposed to be the ones. I had this one week pass where I can sit in their classes and just be a med student. It felt so weird. When I entered the room, only a few remembered and there were a lot of mumbling. I even gave a note to the professor that I was in med before and I am on my one-week visit at the moment. I sat beside my friends and the lecture started. Listening to the lecture made me remember why I wanted to leave. It made me remember the stress and the self-doubt. It was awful. It was weird.

Funny how, of all the times this past year, I dreamt about this now. Now that I made a deal with myself that I will move on and be happy. What's up, mind?! Messing with me? April Fools joke to myself, is this?

Oh well. Moving on with what I have now and trying to be positive again.

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